Ofsted Reports

We are delighted to share the results of our recent Ofsted Inspection on 3rd-4th October 2018.

Eton Porny is Good 'Overall' with Outstanding 'Effectiveness of leadership and management' and Outstanding 'Personal development, behaviour and welfare'


"The headteacher, ably supported by her senior team, has revitalised the quality of education
provided by the school.  The parents and staff are united behind her vision".


"The curriculum provides pupils with ample opportunity to learn interesting topics.  It is richly embellished with a range of trips, visits and experiences to excite, inspire and inform pupils."


"Teachers are skilled and ambitious. They use their strong subject knowledge to plan interesting and meaningful lessons which help pupils to develop their skills and understanding."


"The early years is a warm and vibrant space where children settle quickly and make a strong start to their education. The new early years leader has made meaningful changes which have improved the provision."


"Pupils are exceptionally well behaved and show great pride in their school.  They value their friendships and put the welfare of others at the heart of their interactions."

Read the full report by clicking below:

First page of the PDF file: EtonPornyFirstSchoolOFSTEDfinal

Or view it on the Ofsted Website:
