Welcome to our information page on Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

At Eton Porny, we believe that "we are all created unique and special". We believe that every child deserves to achieve to the best of their ability and that they should have the help and support they need to succeed in whatever they want to achieve.

We are committed to ensuring that our pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are happy, fully included and supported in all areas of the curriculum. If a child is identified as having SEND, support may be given through such things as in-class interventions, emotional support, targeted interventions, speech and language and occupational therapy.

At Eton Porny we place the students and parents at the centre of our decision making. We believe in working in partnership with parents and encourage regular communication.

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) and Inclusion Manager is Mrs Marie Bergin.  Mrs Bergin manages and co-ordinates all support for pupils with SEND – she can be contacted via the main school contact details found here.

The SENDCo works closely with our SEND governor, Anita Spires, as well as with parents/carers, headteachers, class teachers and teaching assistants (TAs).

SEND Documentation